«Reading is learning to live»
How did you start reading?
When I was little I read a lot. I don’t know what was the first book I read, but I spent all my childhood with books in my hands. I liked adventure books and graphic novels, and as a teenager I liked horror stories, but now I don’t read any of these genres! How much we’ve changed!
What kind of reading do you prefer?
I like realistic novels with complex characters. I read in several languages, and I like to combine my reading. I rarely have only one reading started, I read several books simultaneously in Catalan, French, Spanish… I prefer to read in the author’s language and when I don’t, I usually look for good translations.
Tell us a book that…
has had an impact on you…
Un matrimonio feliz by Rafael Yglesias, a book that talks about love and loss, family, how we face death, and the oceanic fear of the inevitable end. It gives food for thought and makes you cry.
you couldn’t finish reading…
A lot! I have this disease of buying books beyond my means and then I don’t have time to manage them all. I start them, but often they are abandoned for a while. It’s not that I don’t finish them, but I pick them up again when I feel I want to or can continue them. Now I look on the shelf and I see La petite dernière by Fatima Daas half finished, and I like it, but it has suffered a hiatus. I think I’m going to finish it this week….
would you recommend…
The mythical Robinson Crusoe that Bernat Metge has just published, Esther Tallada’s translation into Catalan is a real marvel.
have you given and have you given this Sant Jordi?
I got Dolça introducció al caos by Marta Orriols.
And I got Un hiver à Majorque by George Sand.